Quiet Revolution



Terra-Mix’s BSP-TEX RIC90000 Mk.3 Tested Near Austrian Base

Near their headquarters in Austria, Terra-Mix demonstrating the capabilities of the BSP-TEX RIC90000 Mk.3, showcasing its revolutionary noise reduction features. This new cage design has transformed the machine's operation, making it possible to work near residential areas without disturbing the peace. The noise levels are low enough to avoid complaints by nearby residents, marking a new era for construction in urban settings.

The RIC90000 Mk.3, with its 9-ton drop weight, can compact soil to depths of 4 to 6 meters, depending on conditions, improving soil stability for various projects. BSP-TEX's technology delivers 40 to 60 blows per minute. The process is significantly faster than traditional methods, enhancing efficiency and reducing costs. 

The introduction of these sound attenuation elements, which achieve up to 10 to 12 dB noise reduction at two meters, gives Terra-Mix a distinct advantage. They now undertake projects in densely populated areas, where noise regulations previously restricted such heavy machinery. The machine's compatibility with standard hydraulic excavators further extends its utility, minimizing the need for specialised equipment modifications.

This demonstration validates the engineering prowess behind BSP-TEX's RIC series and also positions Terra-Mix as a leader in innovative, community-conscious construction practices. The successful test near residential zones heralds a shift towards quieter, more sustainable building methods in urban environments.


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